The rain comes furtively in the night, drenching the world, then vanishing.
I am mzungu.
I am a white person, although if you ask an Acholi, I am kwa, red.
I have lots of money, which means I am either welcomed as a guest who honors the family I visit with my important time, or I am expected to pay more for everything because I can.
I have skin that inspires awe, excitement, terror, apprehension, distrust, joy, curiosity, and above all, expectations that are often reluctant truths.
My name is called by children with glee and daring, and by men with leers or greedy faces.
"The etymology of the word stems from a contraction of words meaning "one who moves around,"(possibly zunguka, zungusha, mzungukaji-meaning to go round and round) and was coined to describe European traders who traveled through East African countries in the 18th century. The word became synonymous with "white person" because of the traders' complexion." - Wikipedia
I am a traveler, one who exists impermanently in this place of red dust, sky, and real life in between.
Living up to my name, I am traveling to Gulu tomorrow for the second time. I will be there for a week, and with the more defined purpose of conducting interviews with anyone who will talk to me, provided they farm and live in a village or camp near Gulu. I will be there with the same NGO that drove me to villages a month and a half ago, with an able translator who has become a good friend of mine. As always, your thoughts and prayers for a safe journey will be rewarded with many, many pictures and stories. Afoyo matek! Thank you very much!